EWD Technology

The problem called ambrosia

Ambrosia is an invasive weed that grows in continental areas and it is considered as one of the most dangerous weeds in the world.According to information from the World Health Organization, about 10% of the world’s population suffers from ambrosia pollen, in Serbia it is over 1,500,000 people. The human immune system has become weak to this plant and a large number of people have an allergy to ambrosia pollen, which disrupts their daily life and work. Single plant is able to produce up to 8 billion pollen particles, anbrosia ripe flowers release pollen that can fly up to 80 km. Heat, moisture, and breeze help spreading of the pollen that travels from plant to plant to fertilize the seed and ensure a new generation the following yea

 That’s why we came up with a solution::

“Ambrozer” is solution for the global destruction of weeds, all the way down to the roots, by using radio frequency and electricity, without chemical compounds and pesticides – environmentally friendly

Istraživanje i razvoj u ostalim prirodnim i tehničko-tehnološkim naukama // Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering

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