EWD Technology

Ambrozer – device

“Ambrozer” is solution for the global destruction of weeds, all the way down to the roots, by using radio frequency and electricity, without chemical compounds and pesticides – environmentally friendly


By frequency regulation destroys weeds or a certain part of the plant. Depending on the type of weed, it also depends on the frequency used to eliminate the specific weeds.

During the physical contact of the electrodes of the device with the weed that is being treated, biochemical and biophysical processes occur in the plant, it starts to wither and stops growing during the season. The device can be set to destroy weeds in groups or selectively, also not to destroy beneficial plants or microorganisms. It can be mounted on a tractor, truck, lawnmower or hand device for households and city parks.



Istraživanje i razvoj u ostalim prirodnim i tehničko-tehnološkim naukama // Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering

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